WES Standards

Index > WES Lits

WES No.TiTleStipulatedRevisedRemarkRead file
1104Method of implant cracking testMar. 1980Dec. 1990in Japanese
1107Testing method of electrode life evaluation for spot welding - Steel sheetsApl. 1992in Japanese
1108Standard test method for crack-tip opening displacement fracture toughness measurementFeb. 1995Jan. 2016Erratum appear on last page (12.11.2020).
in Japanesein English
1109Standard CTOD test method in welded jointsApr. 1995Oct, 2021in Japanese
1111Standard test method for fatigue crack growth ratesJan. 2014in Japanese
1112Standard method for ultrasonic fatigue test in metallic materialsMar. 2017Mar. 2022Revision of 2022 in english is under consideration.
in Japanesein English
2015Methods of radiographic examination of zirconium welded jointsFeb. 1997Jul. 2019in Japanese
2023Method of ultrasonic angle beam testing and classification of test results for longitudinal welds in steel pipes and tubesSep. 1990in Japanese
2024Method of ultrasonic angle beam testing and classification of test results for T-type and corner type welds in steel platesSep. 1990in Japanese
2031Visual examination method of welded jointJun. 1994Aug. 2003in Japanese
2032Examples of standards for weld appearance in various welded structuresOct. 2024in Japanese
2302Guidelines for procurement, storage and usage of welding consumablesNov. 1995Jul. 2023in Japanese
2801Quality Standard for Gas Cut SurfaceFeb. 1963Dec. 1980Formerly WES118
in Japanesein English
2803Classification of surface inspections for pressure vessel platesJun. 1964Dec. 1990Formerly WES151
in Japanese
2805Method of Assessment for Flaws in Fusion Welded Joints with Respect to Brittle Fracture and Fatigue Crack GrowthNov. 1976Nov. 2007in Japanesein English
2807Method of measuring of total amount of spatters generated by MAG welding solid wireApl. 1992Aug. 2000in Japanese
2808Method of assessing brittle fracture in steel weldments subjected to large cyclic and dynamic strainOct. 2003Jul. 2017in Japanesein English
2809Method of deposition rate and deposition efficiency measurement for welding consumablesAug. 2000in Japanese
2810Test method for soldering iron corresponding to lead-free solderJuly. 2012in Japanese
2815Test method for brittle crack arrest toughness,KcaJan. 2014in Japanesein English
TS2816Simplified test method for brittle crack arrest toughness using press-notched bend specimenJan. 2015in Japanesein English
2820Fitness-For-Service assessment procedure for pressure equipment - Metal loss assessmentJun. 2015in Japanese

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